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Line Utilites

Command line utilites can be a cost effective way to automate manual process, or create a program that has a very focused targetted goal.

Learn more about Command Line Utilities

Windows Utility

Sometimes a windows utility is preferred, especially useful when there is a requirement to enter criteria, which can benefit from a tightly programmed user interface.

learn more about Windows Utility Applications
Laptop Software Image

Computers are known to be vastly powerful and a huge help to any business and many hobbies. However, getting software that works the way you do, can be difficult, fraught with problems and can cost a considerable amount of money.

Tailor made, bespoke software can be a perfect solution, but not only can it be a very difficult path, filled with lots of technospeak and jargon, it can also be very difficult and often it’s almost impossible to ask the questions you don’t have an understanding that you need to ask.

Affordable Custom Software is able to pull from over 30 years experience, listening to clients requirements and designing software that can help a company not only run smoothly, but also reliably, with some clients running our software for over 25 years.

We’re not all about large systems with many modules and large databases, we are also happy to create small simple utilities that have a very fixed, vertical purpose.


System are usual more complex and often need to integrate with some kind of database. We currently support PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL and SQlite.

Learn more about Windows Systems


We can create software for phones, tablets and some more obscure Android hardware.

Learn more about Android Applications