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Windows System

A Windows System is usually one that has some greater level of complexity, used to help run a business, or automate and streamline some kind of business process. Systems invariably need process/handle much more data, either through access to existing databases, or a database created specifically for them. We can help with all of that.

We have over 30 years experience creating a diverse range of systems including Stock Control, Order Processing, Asset Management, Inventory Management and Information Systems. We have also created many more niche systems, working closely with clients to create a system that answers their more unusual requirements.

Windows systems are usually a little more complex, with systems usually starting at £500 and increasing with the required complexity. As systems get more and more complex, it's not unusual for us to recommend the creation of a more detailed quote, which can often get quite involved. For this we usually charge £150, payable on delivery. However if you choose to proceed, this is then deducted from the final proposed cost of the system.

Undertaking the creation of a system doesn't need to be complex and we'll help you along every step of the way, ensuring you get a System that totally fulfils your needs. Pleae do not hesitate to contact us for a quote.